If you have any doubt about how to calculate the area of a rectangle, leave us a comment and we will help you as soon as possible. Total area of the 3D rectangle: 2 x (12 + 24 + 18) = 108 cm 2 The remaining 3 missing sides are equal and thus we save calculations by multiplying by 2: To this end, we will calculate the surface area of the 3 different faces. For example let's find the area of the three-dimensional rectangle in the figure above. If we are asked to calculate the area of a 3D rectangleWhat we have to do is to calculate the area of each of its 6 faces. When you have the surface of all triangles composing the irregular rectanglesimply add up all their values and the result you are looking for. We explain how to calculates the area of a triangle in the link we have just left. In this case, what we have to do is to divide the figure into different triangles and calculate the area of each of them. If we are asked to find the area of an irregular rectangle then we will not be able to apply the formula we have seen. Calculate the area of an irregular rectangle When we solve the operation, we already have the value of the diagonal. Thanks to this, we can calculate the length of the diagonal easily by applying the following formula: import we look at the figure above, we can see that that triangle is half of a rectangle to which we have made a cut along its diagonal. The resulting main() would be just a menu. For example, if you were to add support for parallelograms and trapezoids, you might have a conflict for a variable named height, if you lumped everything into main().

I recommend splitting each calculation into a separate function, to ensure that they do not interfere with each other. I don't see any reason why the inputs should be restricted to ints. Should you later decide to add validation and error handling, you can implement it in one central place.

Since there are so many places where you write () followed by scanner.nextInt(), it makes sense to write a function for that. Not only is it easier to see the patten at a glance, it is also more efficient, in that it compiles to a single tableswitch opcode. The compiler will embed just one long string constant in the bytecode.)Ī chain of if-elses would be better written using a switch block. "Enter 3 to find the area of a Triangle or " + "Enter 2 to find the area of a Square, " + "Enter 1 to find the area of a Rectangle, " + Instead of writing the menu as a very long string, it would be more manageable to split it: ("Welcome to the Area Calculator! " + You would be better off naming the class AreaCalculator, which would be more meaningful than Main. Making a package for a one-class program seems like overkill. Int radius = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) ("Please enter the radius of the circle: ") Int triangleHeight = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) ("Please enter the height of the triangle: ")

After all, if we tile the top, it would be pretty difficult to get in (or out. But that is the surface area of the entire prism, and we don't want to tile it all around. Int triangleBase = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) The surface area of a rectangular prism calculator gives us the answer: A 2 l w + 2 l h + 2 w h 2 8 ft 6 ft + 2 8 ft 5 ft + 2 6 ft 5 ft 236 ft.

("Please enter the base of the triangle: ") Int lengthOfASide = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) Int width = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) This calculator can be used to quickly figure the area of a triangle, square, rectangle, circle, sphere, pentagon, hexagon, octogon, cube, or cylinder. ("Please enter the width of the rectangle: ") Suppose we have a circle that has a radius of 7 cm. Int length = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) The area of a circle having a radius ‘r’ (The distance from the centre to a point on the boundary) is given by r 2 where 22/7 or 3.14 (approx.) Let us understand it through an example. ("Please enter the length of the rectangle: ") Int userInput = Integer.parseInt(scanner.next()) ("Welcome to the Area Calculator! Enter 1 to find the area of a Rectangle, Enter 2 to find the area of a Square, Enter 3 to find the area of a Triangle or Enter 4 to find the area of a Circle") Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in) What this does is that it prompts the user to select a shape, and asks for the details needed to calculate the area of that specific shape. This is a simple Area Calculator coded in Java.