
Kokono shugo chara
Kokono shugo chara

kokono shugo chara

SHUGO CHARA APPEARANCES: Akai the Killing Devil!! The Fighter!! Chara Nari: Devil's Murdur!! Angel Girls/Demon_Chick.jpg (Akai's Appearance) Ryn the Night Rager!! The Risk Taker!! Chara Nari: Cursed Moonlight!! (Ryn's Appearance) Kotomi the Darkened Reaper!! The Dead One!! Chara Nari: Hell's Takeover!! reapers/delivererofchildrenreaper.jpg (Kotomi's Appearance) Saya the Silent Mage!! The Secret Holder!! Chara Nari: Magician's Secret!! anime/darkmage. Mature et généreux, cest un garçon du même âge quAmu qui détient la place de 'Roi' dans les Gardiens. Personality: Quiet, Calm, Mean, Cold, Nice and kind to friends only. Eru has transformed with Amu a few times (sort of like her version of Wing form) and Momotaros. Both of them can also take on other hosts if the conditions are right. Sure, the Charas can't time travel, but that's because they are to Imagin as fairies are to humans.

kokono shugo chara kokono shugo chara

LIST OF COLORS aqua aquamarine black blue blue violet brown burlywood cadet blue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflower blue crimson cyan dark blue dark cyan dark goldenrod dark gray dark grey dark green dark khaki dark magenta dark olive green dark orange dark orchid dark red dark salmon dark seagreen dark slate blue dark slate gray dark turquoise dark violet deep pink deep sky blue dim gray firebrick forest green fuchsia gainsboro gold goldenrod gray grey green green yellow hot pink indian red indigo khaki lavender lawngreen light blue light coral light green light grey light pink light salmon light seagreen light sky blue light slate gray light steel blue lime lime green magenta maroon medium aquamarine medium blue medium orchid medium purple medium sea green medium slate blue medium spring green medium turquoise medium violet red midnight blue moccasin navy olive olive drab orange orange red orchid pale goldenrod pale green pale turquoise pale violet red peach puff peach peru pink plum powder blue purple red rosy brown royal blue saddle brown salmon sandy brown sea green sienna silver sky blue slate blue spring green steelblue steel blue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat yellow Yellow green Kuromi Tajira BIRTHDAY: June 30 AGE: 9 # OF SHUGO CHARA: 6 GUARDIAN SEAT: Joker? EXTRA!! Instruments: Koto, Guitar, Drums, Violin, piano, Saxaphone, and Vocal Drums. INFO :: Shugo Chara OP High Quality - Kokoro no Tamago / Buono Disponible/Av 2007/Nov21 ¥1,575 Limited. They're born out of one's desires, can possess people without their permission, and usually tend to bring a change in hairstyle.

Kokono shugo chara